Vision Statement for the OSPA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee:
The Committee will:
- Foster awareness of diversity in students and families
- Advocate for the needs of diverse learners, including English Language Learners
- Use data and research to enhance services to diverse learners
Committee Goals 2012-2013:
- To use data to advocate for culturally diverse students
- To work with other professional groups to address diverse student needs
- To continue to share information by publishing articles in TOSP To provide and support professional development related to multiculturalism and diversity
Interested in chairing the committee?
View the chair job description HERE.
Committee Co-Chairs: Emma Sacha & Selena Spencer
Multicultural Website Concerns and Questions
Nicole Huzl
Click HERE to join or view OSPA committees or work groups (must be logged in).
OSPA Anti-Racism Resource Page
The Cultural Norms document is a helpful tool to use when evaluating EL students. It lists areas in which cultural norms may have a big impact on how students behave in school.
Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEPs): Review of Literature, US Dept. of Education, May 2012
New resource published by the US Department of Education for determining proficiency for ELLs:
National Evaluation of Title III Implementation Supplemental Report—Exploring Approaches to Setting English Language Proficiency Performance Criteria and Monitoring English Learner Progress.
The Lau Resource Center, Ohio Department of Education
The mission of the Lau Resource Center at the Ohio Department of Education is to ensure equal access to high-quality learning experiences and standards for students with limited English proficiency in the state of Ohio. Their site contains links to resources for educators serving ELL students.
Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards, Ohio Department of Education
NASP Position Statement on Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination: