The House Education Committee heard public testimony this week on the education portions of the state budget, House Bill 96.
DEW Director Steve Dackin testified before the House Education Committee Feb. 25 on the governor’s budget proposal. Confirmed for Democrats that the continued phase in of the funding formula does indeed result in cuts of $103 million to traditional districts while charters and private schools see increases. DEW director Aaron Raush said the governor's budget assumes static enrollment in 2026-2027. Growth in the cost of the EdChoice scholarship is the result of DEW projections of a 2% to 7.5% increase in expenses in FY 2026 and a 2% to 6% increase in FY 2027. There is more money going to Community Schools, Ed choice scholarships, and career centers because of that where students are moving to. That combined with “modest adjustment” to the guarantee measure is why traditional districts are generally held at flat funding in the proposal The cost of the guarantee will only grow. $349 million this year then $450 million in FY26 and then $607 million in FY27, Mr. Rausch said.
About 340 districts would get less money in FY27 than FY25. In 80% of those districts, enrollment has declined, said Mr. Raush. About 45 of the 340 districts have seen enrollment increases since 2020 yet are poised to get less funding. Thirty four of those 45 districts are on the guarantee. If a district would receive less despite increasing enrollment, it could be because of being on the guarantee in the past, he said.
Rep. Gayle Manning asked about the state funding per pupil. Mr. Rausch said the partnership of state funding is between the state and local districts, which considers local sources of revenue. In January, the average per pupil funding was $5900 in traditional schools. Charter schools received $11,000 because they don't have access to local taxes so they are fully funded by the state.
Lawmakers on the committee repeatedly asked witnesses if there were requirements of teachers that could be eliminated in order to reduce burdens and expenses on them. They asked that recommendations be submitted by the end of the week for incorporation into the budget.
The committee then heard from several witnesses representing school districts, teachers unions, and other statewide organizations seeking a continuation of the existing funding formula but with updates to 2024 cost inputs. Districts have seen expenses drastically increase in recent years and the formula does not reflect that. Witnesses also asked for additional support for student transportation given the ongoing demands of transporting students to charter and non-public schools and challenges with maintaining their transportation workforce. Director Dackin said in his testimony that the budget recommendation from the governor would increase the state share for transportation each year.

Gov. Mike DeWine in February issued his final two-year budget proposal for the state. Although it will see many changes between now and June 30 as lawmakers put their stamp on it, below are some details specific to school psychology.
Flat funding for the school psychology intern program at $3 million per year. This is OSPA's priority for this budget. We will seek an increase to around $4.3 million per year to bring the salary for interns up to $35,000 from the roughly $30,000 now provided. This salary would match the teacher minimum schedule. If you would like to engage with lawmakers on this topic, please reach out to Rachel Chilton at rachel@ospaonline.org.
DEW would be required to maintain an introductory course on the science of reading for licensed educators, as well as develop a competency-based training course to update and reinforce educators’ knowledge and skills in the science of reading... School psychologists and speech-language pathologists must also complete the introductory course by the end of FY 2027, and the competency-based course every five years thereafter. Certain exceptions apply if teachers or administrators have completed other similar trainings or coursework.

December in year two of the legislative session went as many before it have: lawmakers finalized a flurry of bills, some with little time for debate, and advocates flooded hearing rooms and inboxes in support of or against these measures. Gov. DeWine signed the bills into law in the final days of 2024 or first two weeks of 2025.
Among those pieces of legislation OSPA lent its voice to were HB 206 and HB 8.

As you likely read on any number of local or national news outlets, House Bill 68 did not go quietly into the night for the close of 2023. With the Ohio Senate quickly passing the measure through committee and out of the chamber in the first half of December, it headed to Gov. Mike DeWine for a signature…or veto. The bill bans gender affirming care and participation of transgender girls in sports. OSPA was engaged as an association as part of a coalition of health care providers to oppose the legislation.
Gov. DeWine delayed his action until the last possible day – Dec. 29. Had he taken no action, the bill would have become law. During the 10-day window in which he had to sign, the governor visited children’s hospitals, talked to parents and talked to transgender individuals. In the end he opted to veto the measure and announced plans to quickly institute administrative rules that would ban surgeries for minors experiencing gender dysphoria, collect data, and crack down on any rogue clinics providing substandard care to transgender individuals.
Republicans in the statehouse were not satisfied with the promise of new rules and House members quickly mobilized the weekend before New Year’s to whip votes for a veto override, presently planned for Jan. 10. At the moment, it does appear an override is likely. There is some hope that an alternative route could be taken – pass the standalone HB 6, which covers the transgender girls in sports issue. This bill is out of House committee and could receive a full chamber vote at any time. Advocates have been hitting the phones to try to persuade House members to vote against an override.
As you have read in other updates, OSPA has been working on HB 206, which would expand expulsion authority for students who have made a threat of violence or committed a violent act at school. The bill would allow a school board to adopt a policy granting the superintendent authority to expel a student for 180 school days – the equivalent of a school year – for a violent act or credible threat of violence. It also allows the superintendent to extend that expulsion for up to 90 days at a time in perpetuity should the student fail to meet criteria the superintendent sets. Among the requirements for return to school would be an assessment conducted by a school psychologist, psychologist or psychiatrist to determine if the student is a threat to students or staff. OSPA President-Elect Jennifer Glenn, OSPA Legislative Chair Melissa Bestgen and Executive Director Rachel Chilton attended a meeting with co-sponsor Rep. Monica Robb-Blasdel to discuss our concerns with the measure. Board member Erich Merkle provided substantial input prior to and following the meeting. We discussed the following topics:
- Requested an indemnification provision for school psychologists and others who would be making a call about whether a student is safe to return to school;
- Emphasized that the threat assessments that exist are only reliable at the acute time of the threat, not many months later, and that such assessments are more an art than a science;
- Requested that the existing multidisciplinary teams established by the SAFE Act of four years ago be the party responsible for deciding whether return-to-school criteria are met;
- Pushed the likelihood this bill would disproportionately impact students from minoritized backgrounds and students with disabilities.
The committee adopted a substitute bill that allows the superintendent to still make the final call but requires him or her to consult with a multidisciplinary team when doing so. A later amendment added indemnification language protecting the school psychologist, psychologist or psychiatrist who conducted the assessment from civil action. Ms. Chilton also received outreach from stakeholders at DEW, Disability Rights Ohio and the Ohio Poverty Law Center all seeking to know details of our concerns during the process. The bill did pass out of committee before winter break. We will continue to express concerns as it goes through the Senate.
Department of Education & Workforce
The Department of Education & Workforce got off to a rocky start. Although the budget’s provision to alter the makeup of the state education agency was slated to take effect Oct. 3, several members of the State Board of Education sued the state to block implementation of the change. The move from ODE to DEW includes the removal of most of the duties and powers of the State Board of Education. A judge issued a temporary restraining order to prevent implementation of DEW, but it was later lifted while the case continues through the process. Meanwhile, Gov. Mike DeWine appointed a temporary director of the new agency: Jessica Voltolini, the State Board of Education’s chief of staff. Ms. Voltolini has been with the department on and off going back to the mid 2000s. In October, State Board of Education President Paul LaRue issued a notice postponing its meeting; however, most members of the body met anyway. It was not streamed online and was primarily attended by reporters. Board Member and OSPA member Dr. Antoinette Miranda was among those in attendance.
Meanwhile, I was informed about behind the scenes shifts happening at DEW. The original intel from another association suggested the changes would divide up staff currently in the Office for Exceptional Children and move them elsewhere. We and other associations who work with OEC are concerned about the changes and the potential this has to result in reduced services to students. OSPA leadership agreed to send a form letter that another association created to push back on the changes. In October, Ms. Chilton was invited with Disability Rights Ohio and the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities to meet with then interim Director Jessica Voltolini about the changes. I invited Frank Sansosti, coordinator at Kent State, to join. The director explained that only 15 jobs were shifted from OEC to be placed in other areas to ensure they’re “breaking down silos among program offices.” OEC leadership we are accustomed to - JoHannah Ward and Joe Petrarca - will continue in their roles. Those in the meeting pushed her on why this was thought to be a good idea and why the changes were made without communication to associations and parents. The group emphasized that this could diminish the expertise related to IDEA and other federal laws if those higher up do not understand the work and the requirements. Director Voltolini later contacted Ms. Chilton and assured her the changes would have no impact to the administration of our intern program and its related grant money.
Back at the Statehouse, SB 83, the controversial higher ed bill that would have restricted diversity training at public colleges and universities, sat dormant for several weeks as the sponsor, Sen. Jerry Cirino, worked out additional changes. It was back for a hearing the week of Oct. 30 where many positive changes were adopted. OSPA had originally testified on this bill pushing against a provision that would have banned higher education institutions from requiring DEI coursework for any degree. The bill was later amended to allow for exceptions in cases where such classes are required for program accreditation, among other exceptions. This alleviated our primary concern since our programs must include diversity training as part of NASP accreditation. This language was even further softened so that programs seeking an exception no longer have to request such a waiver but can instead merely report that they have mandatory diversity training. Although the bill is still problematic, the latest iteration also removed language barring strikes by public college and university employees. At first these changes did not derive enough support to get the bill out of committee, but removal of the language on strikes did eventually sway Rep. Gayle Manning to switch her vote from a nay to a yea. SB 83 left committee Dec. 6 and could be up for a floor vote early this year.
Also seeing some movement this fall is a new anti-transgender bill: HB 183. This would require all people in a public school or university to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender assigned at birth. OSPA is watching this bill closely but has not yet decided whether to provide testimony. We submitted testimony on HB 8, the “Parents Bill of Rights,” which many worry would require school personnel to out students to their parents. We joined the National Association of Social Workers – Ohio in a press conference in November that more broadly spoke to standards of care and ethics in the face of such legislation.

Children who fail to meet expectations on the third grade reading test no longer have to repeat third grade.
After disagreement between the Ohio House and Senate, the budget bill walked away with language to eliminate required retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. It also makes changes to the nature of the state education department.
Although the House - which has been strongly in favor of eliminating the requirement - put the bill in their budget, this provision was removed in the upper chamber where senators in high positions remain committed to retention. The compromise language allows a parent, in consultation with the teacher and principal, to permit their child to advance to fourth grade. It also calls for intervention services that align with the science of reading with high dosage tutoring for students who continue to test below grade level until the child achieves a proficient score on the reading test. It also includes safe harbor language for those students who were in third grade for the school year that just ended.
Meanwhile, the Department of Education is officially no more. Enactment of the biennial state budget has replaced it with the Department of Education and Workforce, effectively negating most powers of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction it appoints. We will all be waiting to hear who will become the newly minted agency's director, a role now named by the governor.
The change is a result of the Senate's decision to add SB 1 to the budget bill. Although the House had been slow to give its support to that bill, it ultimately acquiesced when it became part of the larger spending package in exchange for maintaining its more generous version of the school funding formula.
What the change in name, leadership and focus will actually mean for the state's education agency has yet to be seen. OSPA remains well connected to leaders in the Office for Exceptional Children and Office of Licensure and expects relationships to continue.
The last couple months have been marked by a flurry of legislative activity. If the heavy schedule of the state budget process were not enough, the House and Senate also devoted much time to long hearings on bills impacting the LGBTQ+ community and higher education.
OSPA Executive Director Rachel Chilton was able to testify multiple times in the House and Senate on the state budget, specifically asking lawmakers to increase funding to our school psychology intern program. This money in the Department of Education budget provides the salary interns receive and is a long standing line item for which OSPA has advocated over the decades. The salary is meant to be based on the state teacher minimum salary schedule, but because of a legislative mistake six years ago, the teacher salary went up but the funding in our line stayed the same. This underfunding is what we sought to correct all along the way — ODE, governor's office, House and Senate — of the budget, but unfortunately did not prevail. The legislature even found compromise in a raise to the teacher minimum salary to $35,000, meaning our line item is now farther away from its intended level.
Controversial copycat legislation inspired by a Florida bill also saw addition to the state budget while in the Senate but was ultimately scrapped. SB 83, which bans employee strikes and restricts mandated diversity training at public colleges and universities, was added to the budget on the Senate floor, but during conference committee negotiations with the House, it was removed. OSPA and school psychologists testified against the measure months earlier because of a provision that would have forbidden university programs from requiring diversity training. Such a measure would have cost Ohio programs their NASP accreditation as such training is a requirement. Thankfully, an amendment early in the process modified that provision to make exceptions for programs that require diversity training as part of accreditation, licensure or federal law. It does, however, require programs to fill out paperwork seeking such an exception. The bill continued to be fought against by a variety of higher education stakeholders, including students. Nevertheless, the legislative majority has supported it as a means to ensure "intellectual diversity" on college campuses, where they say conservative views are being stymied. SB 83 will now continue hearings in the House, where it has seen support from majority members.
House updates to the biennial spending measure filtered more money into the school funding formula. The governor’s original proposal continued a gradual phase in of the formula but had based the formula on data from fiscal year 2018. The House opted to change the formula assumptions to more recent FY 2022 data. The Senate made additional tweaks to the formula that it argued improved the original Cupp-Patterson Funding plan, but during conference committee relinquished its stance in favor of the House version, which advocates have said puts more money in schools.
Additionally, both chambers increased voucher eligibility. The governor had proposed an increase to 400% of the federal poverty level, the House increased it to 450%, and the Senate made vouchers universally available but with means testing for families earning above 450% FPL.
The conference committee agreed to include a House bill to require school athletic coaches to undergo student mental health training.