OSPA is proud to recognize its leadership on the Presidential Wall of Fame. If you have any photographs or information about the individuals named below, please contact us so we can continue to complete this page to honor their service to the organization.
Presidential Wall of Fame
Ashley Lockemer, Ed.S, ABSNP has worked as a school psychologist for the past 11 years in public school and private settings in Georgia and Ohio. She earned her undergraduate degree from Miami University, graduate degree from Georgia State University, and later earned her ABSNP credential in 2016. She is currently on the SWOSPA Executive Board and is the Immediate Past President of OSPA. During her tenure, her focuses included creating the Future School Psychologists of Ohio club and engaging in ongoing advocacy with external stakeholders to improve the educational identification of autism and to support changes in the age range of the DD category.. Her current role on Montgomery County ESC's Educational Assessment Team includes conducting autism evaluations, IEEs and district consultations and trainings in collaboration with SST 10. It has and continues to be a pleasure to serve OSPA!
I remain humbled by the opportunity to serve such an impressive group of professionals as OSPA President. It was truly an honor to work with so many talented and passionate individuals to advocate for Ohio children and further the profession of school psychology. During my time as president we emphasized recruiting individuals into the field of school psychology (particularly individuals from diverse backgrounds) by presenting the NASP Exposure Project to undergraduate and high school students. We also furthered our engagement of graduate students through the university presidential challenge. OSPA supported Ohio’s adoption of K-12 Social Emotional Learning Standards and I had the privilege of testifying in favor of their adoption. Other highlights include beginning our COVID-19 response by providing resources to members, holding our first virtual conference, creating a task force to develop a new regional affiliate, and having our highest grossing conference to date. I consider this opportunity the highlight of my professional career and would like to thank all of the OSPA members for the honor to serve. There are so many others that I would like to thank for their support, but I must give a special thank you to Ann Brennan and Rachel Chilton for their remarkable dedication and service to OSPA.
From the time that I was an intern, OSPA has been vital in shaping my career as a school psychologist. Timely professional development, access to the listserv, and perhaps most importantly -- connecting with collective wisdom and kindred spirits of OSPA members and the executive board has been a source of energy and wonderment. Suffice it to say, it was a privilege and honor to be able to serve as OSPA President. Like many before me have noted, the time from President elect, to President, to Immediate Past President seemed like the blink of an eye. It was humbling and inspiring to serve alongside so many passionate and talented members of the executive board. Having witnessed the work of the board, as well as the membership at large, there is little doubt that the strength of OSPA will continue to further its mission of advocating for the educational and mental health needs of children and youth. I continue to admire the membership in their advocacy for children and the commitment to the profession. While there are too many to thank, know that behind the scenes, there are several important individuals that made my time as OSPA President all the more enjoyable. A special thanks Rachel Chilton and Anne Brennan who were vital in that time. In closing, I wish to thank everyone who advocated for, and continues to make OSPA the organization that it is. Know that I am deeply grateful and humbled to have served as President.
With gratitude and a humble heart, I extend my deepest appreciation to the members of OSPA for the privilege of serving as President. It has been an honor to do so during our 75th anniversary year. We and public education have weathered, and will continue to weather, many changes...some good, some not so much so. As a profession, we are charged with serving and advocating for children, particularly those who are most vulnerable in an already vulnerable population. What a noble vocation! May you continue to serve, to do the difficult work that needs to be done, and to be actively involved in OSPA. Any organization is only as strong and effective as its members. You are OSPA.
It was an honor and privilege to represent school psychology colleagues as OSPA President, and another reason to be proud to be associated with an ‘historic’ organization advocating for school psychologists and all the students and families whom we serve in Ohio school communities! It has been great to develop new relationships with fellow members as we have worked to address the school psychologist shortage. Please share with high school students and/or undergraduate students the Recruitment Video, accessible on this webpage, so that more can learn about the advantages of becoming prepared for entering our incredibly gratifying profession!
I truly enjoyed my year as President of OSPA and felt honored to be part of such a great state association. As President-Elect I was able to attend the NASP Regional Conference which furthered my appreciation of the work past Presidents and committee chairs have done, resulting in OSPA being a leader among state associations in terms of fiscal health, sound procedural practices and advocacy efforts. OSPA is able to respond quickly legislative proposals that impact school psychologists, which is invaluable within the present political climate. With a solid infrastructure and clear Strategic Plan in place, I was able to focus on continuing our work of promoting the field of school psychology and supporting school psychologists. This included serving as a member of the state-level Task Force on School Psychologist Shortages, continuing outreach efforts for future school psychologists, and promoting diversity both within the field of school psychology and on the Board. Other accomplishments include better utilization of our improved website, increased social media presence, and an improved process for transitioning new Board members into their roles. I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to serve OSPA as President and appreciate the support I received from OSPA members, staff, and Executive Board members this year!
Having the opportunity to serve the remarkable profession of Ohio school psychology as 2014-15 OSPA President remains, and likely will always be, a highlight of my career and a remarkable period of my own professional growth. I was humbled to be elected to serve the presidency by my peers and despite nearly 15 years of service on the OSPA Executive Board, came to appreciate the tremendous amount of time, effort, and commitment it takes to fulfill the role’s demands. Salient highlights from my term include development of OSPA personnel evaluation rubrics, overseeing the Association’s Operational Excellence efforts, reworking the Association’s Operations Manual and committee expectations, replacing over half of the Executive Board membership due to retirements, and furthering the return to a period financial stability. We also had the milestone retirement of our beloved Association Business Manager, Mrs. Cheryl VanDenBerge, which required an extensive talent search process to find her successor, Mrs. Rachel Chilton. From my experience, I would whole heartedly encourage any Ohio school psychologist to consider statewide leadership in OSPA!
It was an honor and pleasure to serve as OSPA President during the 2013-2014 school year. During the year, I was highly impressed by the dedication and passion of the OSPA staff, Executive Board members, committee chairs, and committee members I worked with. Together, we were able to make progress in several key areas. A few examples of progress related to my presidential priorities were the development and approval of a Strategic Plan to facilitate long-term planning for the organization; university outreach and collaboration through the University Ambassador program; approval of the NASP Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy as a guiding principle; and undergraduate diversity recruitment efforts. I look forward to seeing how future OSPA leaders continue to drive these and other initiatives forward. I would like to thank all OSPA members for allowing me the opportunity to serve OSPA as President, and I look forward to remaining involved in the organization
It was an honor and a privilege to serve as your OSPA President. During my year as OSPA President, the Executive Board used the data from the state association self-assessment (conducted by my predecessor, Aimee Kirsch, in her presidential year) to begin the process of developing a long-term Strategic Plan for our Association. It was during this time that the Executive Board approved a new framework for organizational governance, which included the creation of the Executive Director position and the reconstitution of the Planning & Development Committee. This was further refined and implemented during the presidential term of my successor, Dr. Amity Noltemeyer. I am very thankful for the leadership and partnership of both Aimee and Amity - we worked closely together over a three-year period to bring about needed changes that continue to pay dividends for OSPA. Thanks, too, to Ann Brennan and Cheryl VanDenBerge for their support in many of these restructuring efforts.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the members for allowing me to serve as President during the 2011-2012 school year. It was a tremendous honor to have been able to lead this devoted and amazing group of professionals. Through the collaborative efforts of the entire association, we were able to achieve many goals established by the Board.
Together we began the development of a strategic planning process to help define the direction and focus for OSPA from year to year. This included conducting the first Annual Organizational and Operational Assessment. During this year, we were also successful in creating the Early Career Taskforce, aimed at providing support and services specifically for students, interns, and early professionals. Finally, the Board had the honor to recognized Mrs. Valorie Wolcott Mendelson for her outstanding efforts in the creation, development, implementation, and promotion of the scholarship program by renaming the OSPA Scholarship to the Valorie Wolcott Mendelson OSPA Scholarship.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be part this outstanding organization.
I have had the privilege of serving on the OSPA Executive Board for a number of years and as OSPA President during the 2010-2011 school year. My time serving as president was interesting and rewarding, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity. I sincerely appreciated the help and collaboration of the members of the Executive Board. I felt more like a moderator as the ideas, expertise, and enthusiasm flowed from the members. I feel proud and honored to have been able to lead this excellent organization. I want to express my sincere appreciation to Cheryl VanDenBerge for all the work she did to coordinate everything for OSPA. Also to Ann Brennan who keeps everyone informed and works so hard to promote, advocate for, and protect School Psychology and school psychologists in Ohio.
It was an honor to serve OSPA as President. The years preceding and following, as President-Elect and Immediate Past-President, also allowed me to work with dedicated OSPA members in the development, implementation, and expansion of strengthened committee work. A greater engagement between the Inter-University Council of Ohio and the OSPA Executive Board was achieved. Data results from the Omnibus Survey, created by Dr. Rob Kubick and Jeff York, yielded insight into the varied service delivery of our members. Cheryl VanDenBerge and Ann Brennan provided managerial and legislative support, respectively, allowing for proper operation of our state organization. I am so grateful to have been a part of a strong team supporting the work of Ohio school psychologists.
Frankly, I was humbled to be elected to lead such a consummate group of professionals who have so profound impact on Ohio’s youth. Through a confluence of events far beyond my own efforts, OSPA realized a number a number of accomplishments in 2008 including awarding the first OSPA Scholarship (later named the Valorie Wolcott Mendelson Scholarship), digitizing OSPA records in the Archives of the History of American Psychology at the University of Akron, and reformatting the The Ohio School Psychologist under the new editorship of Dr. Robert Kubick. Finally, I’m proud to say what started as a committee member recruitment device continues to be an eagerly anticipated event at the annual fall conference. That’s right, the Wine & Cheese Social started on my watch. What now, Alex Thomas?
Like many of my Past President colleagues, I lament the fact that the OSPA Presidency year is so fleeting that by the time one is fully operational, it is time to pass the gavel.
I was truly blessed during that time to be surrounded by positive thinking, action oriented people, whom helped my term as President be productive.
Three accomplishments of my term for which I am most grateful:
Using the NASP Blueprint to guide OSPA’s professional development. During my presidency there was debate about what kinds of PD should we be offering through OSPA. By connecting our PD offerings to the NASP Blueprint, we were assured of providing PD topics which were well founded in research.
Launching the OSPA (later to be named the Valerie-Walcot Mendelson) Scholarship and choosing the first recipient of the award, Ryan Taylor.
Providing Student Representatives on the Executive Board, as a way of capturing our youngest and upcoming talent and providing them with the opportunity for leadership roles.
My passion/interest in Early Career has allowed me to continue my advocacy as a charter member and Co-Chair of the Early Career Committee for several years beyond my presidency. My term as President also allowed me to develop professional relationships which were beneficial to my career as a School Psychologist and Supervisor of School Psychologists.
I’ll always have fond memories of my year as OSPA President. As many previous Presidents have remarked, just when I started to feel like I got a handle on things, my term was up. Some highlights of my year included working with the great Ann Brennan to strengthen our partnerships within ODE, collaborating with the incomparable Cheryl Van Den Berge to streamline various internal policies and procedures, appointing the “tech guru” Jeff York to improve our technological communications, asking the relentlessly prepared Brian Hill to lead our OSPA Crisis Committee, and enlisting the resources of OSPA to support the Ohio Integrated Systems Model. I was very fortunate to work with so many committed professionals, such as our dedicated conference chairs (Jay, Sue, Sal, and Elaine), NASP delegate (Juliette), President-Elect (John), Treasurer (Lynn), and Past Presidents (Valorie, George, Sharon, Janet, Chuck, and Antoinette). I was also very appreciative of the encouragement and support provided to me by the faculty at Kent State University, particularly Drs. Mcloughlin and Telzrow, and by my work supervisor, Dr. Elizabeth Bard. Thank you all for the great honor of serving as your OSPA President.
As School Psychologists we need to be aware of the mental health needs of children and help meet these needs. There are a number of ways that we can do this. First we need to attend workshops and read any information that is available on mental health issues in children. We also need to make ourselves available to children, providing them with information and helping them deal with these issues. We need to help educate teachers about the mental health needs of children and what they can do in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, on the playground, etc. to help meet these needs. We need to talk to parents about their children and help them meet the mental health needs of their children. We need to get into the classroom and teach social skills and provide self-esteem building activities to children starting in kindergarten and continuing throughout the elementary grades and into high school. Providing counseling to children individually and in small groups, teaching them relaxation techniques and being there for them in times of stress would also be beneficial. We also need to be aware of help that is available outside the schools at public and private agencies and make referrals to these agencies on cases that we can’t deal with in the schools.
What I remember most about the year I served as OSPA President was realizing the extraordinary energy, commitment and competency of the people that work tirelessly for the benefit of the children and families of Ohio. Some are more visible than others in their duties such as the OSPA leadership but there are so many "behind the scenes" individuals that make immeasurable and often unnoticed contributions for the good of all. OSPA is able to do what it does so effectively due to the efforts of individual School Psychologists that go above and beyond to do their great work day after day, year after year. Thank you for all you have done and will do in the future! I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the OSPA leadership.
It was a privilege to serve on behalf of those that I believe are some of the most courageous, compassionate, caring, dedicated and brilliant champions of our children that this state and country have to offer. I extend my gratitude to each and every one of you. Do whatever you must to keep your passion for pursuing what is best for the overall well-being of our children alive. Lastly, I would like to share a special appreciation for the dedication and hard work of Ann Brennan and Cheryl VanDenBerge. Thank you for all you have done on behalf of OSPA.
Well, here I am, just another brick in the wall (Pink Floyd, 1979). And yes, sometimes I have said, "Teacher, leave those kids alone." But I am and ever shall be an apologist for public education if you will, and a firm believer in its purest intention. I am proud to be a part of a profession that advocates for kids and their families first and foremost, and a free and appropriate education second. The pursuit of knowledge is an admirable one and the expectation that everyone should have an equal opportunity to access it resonates very deeply within me. So for a little while, I got to represent Ohio's collective body of school psychologists. And I will forever count it as a great personal blessing. Thanks for the memories OSPA.
I was honored to serve as OSPA president with some incredibly dedicated and talented people. I will remember fondly the raffle that we started at the OSPA conference that year, so that we could raise money to send to NASP for the minority scholarship fund because our budget was very tight. That “small” raffle evolved into the eventual development of OSPA’s own scholarship fund and the “grand scale” raffles that are now part of the conference. OSPA has been a great representative for school psychologists and provides an invaluable service to its members. I am proud to be part of such a great organization and thankful for the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity.
I enjoyed serving as OSPA President and working on the many issues facing our profession. During my year, OSPA provided input to Ohio legislators and ODE consultants on issues of school funding, state standards and "rules" revision. Meeting my fellow school psychologists at conferences, workshops and regional association activities was especially gratifying due to the wonderful services I saw provided by dedicated Ohio school psychologists around the state.
I’ll always feel humbled to have been the president of such a select group of people dedicated to championing the rights of children. I am so very proud of the work of Pat Lehman and Valerie Lee who we were able to carry forward the momentum from the previous year’s work of Mike Fuller on the Fourth Grade Guarantee Forum with a video and workbook. We were able to launch our website, OSPAonline, in 1999 thanks to the dedication of Erich Merkle and Caven Mcloughlin. I am so very proud that the OSPA Crisis Committee had its humble beginnings as an ad hoc committee that year as well.
There is no greater calling than to serve children and their families. In all your professional endeavors, remain steadfast in your advocacy for the betterment of children. In all that might change in our practice, advocacy endures. Speak out on behalf of children. Work to make their lives better.
It was my pleasure to serve as OSPA president at a time when the challenge was to energize, serve, and include more of our membership. During this time committee membership grew, services expanded, and collegiality was reported to be high. Also, funding for the internship became a legislative challenge. OSPA responded with a tremendous effort, felt by those in Columbus. Vigilance is needed in the coming years as we face a real shortage in qualified school psychologists. When these shortages occur, there will be a need for concerted effort to impact university training programs, superintendents, ODE, and the legislators to maintain the integrity of our role in the schools. OSPA will need you. Be there!
Hi! I am proud to have served as OSPA president during '96-'97. I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of friendly and dedicated school psychologists. The best parts and most fun, however, were the MVSPA and OSPA hospitalities at fall and spring conferences, which Dan Leary, Andy Sattler, and I often hosted. By the way, when *are* those draft standards for Ohio special ed. rules going to be officially enacted?
I hope to be remembered for my leadership efforts on behalf of intervention based services for children.
Alex Thomas was a school psychologist in Port Clinton from 1972 through 1990 and has been on the school psychology faculty at Miami University since 1990. He is currently Chair of the Educational Psychology Department at Miami. Alex has been President of NASP in 1986/1987 and 1998/1999.
My year as OSPA President was a humbling experience and was successful due to all of those on the Board who gave so much of their time. I would like to thank those who surprised me by celebrating my 50th birthday on the front of The Ohio School Psychologist with a baby picture and the caption “50 years of Childhood.“ (OSPA celebrated its 50th anniversary during my presidency.) The challenge for this year has been to continue to grow and to maintain our position as leaders rather than followers. We have met the challenges put upon us by federal and state legislation, technology, changing cultural norms, and a growing base of knowledge. Perhaps the most difficult task for me has been accepting the resignation of Nadine Block and hiring someone for the position. The accomplishments this year were due to the support of the OSPS board and committees, local organizations, school psychologists throughout the state, and the staff of OSPA. I have enjoyed the knowledge learned, colleagues and friends made, and memories made. Thank you to those who surprised me by sharing my 50th birthday with OSPA’s 50th birthday!
Serving as your president was rewarding and enlightening. I enjoyed the many thoughtful discussions with colleagues regarding topics such as linking assessment to intervention design; mental health based practices for school psychologists; parent and teacher consultation as it related to treatment acceptability and treatment integrity; supervision and evaluation of school psychologists; and the role of the school psychologist as much more than “a tester for suspected disabilities.” These discussions led to opportunities to work with policy and decision makers to move the field toward a more comprehensive service delivery model. My work with OSPA also led to my work with NASP. Serving as the Chair of the National School Psychology Certification Board enabled me to work with colleagues who had a desire to make a positive impact on our training standards and ensure the public that our training was comprehensive in nature. I am thankful to have collaborated with other school psychologists who worked to ensure that both the clients we serve and the profession at large benefitted from the development and the implementation of quality professional practice standards. To those of you within our profession who are stuck in the “test, tell, place, and don’t include me in any intervention plan” model, I encourage you to get involved in OSPA/NASP. Learn from colleagues who are involved in comprehensive service delivery models so that both you and the children/youth you serve can benefit from your ongoing professional development.
My three years in the presidency role (elect, current & past) was a blur. As I began my term, I also started a new job at PEP, a separate Mental Health facility for SED students. That first year, I didn't know if I was coming or going. Fortunately, the OSPA family was very supportive and helpful and I managed to get through, as everyone does. Steve Colahan, in particular, was a tremendous help in his role as president-elect. The hot topic during my presidency involved licensure issues (again!). It was quite an education watching OSPA, OPA and the State Board of Psychology trying to put their own twist on the licensing law. Probably my biggest legacy is the fact that OSPA is still using my letterhead and theme ("Building Bridges for the Future").
During my presidency we began a Multicultural Affairs Task Force which was approved by the Executive Board as a standing committee. I’m glad to see it still exists stronger than ever! A Past Presidents Council was also started and continued for a few short years with a newsletter (ending in 1996 as far as I can tell). OSPA was a joy to be involved in due to the colleagues who enhanced my knowledge of the profession. It allowed me to become active in NASP and also ISPA (International School Psychology Association). I retired in 1997 and went on to do volunteer work with tutoring students—teaching adult education at a library. My daughter and son provided us with six grandchildren, now three of them are in college. The sadness of my life occurred with the sudden death of my husband, Chuck, in 2002 as a result of surgery error. He was with me at several ISPA Colloquiums. I receive the OSPA newsletter which provides such excellent professional information. Also, I continue to join CASP (Cleveland Association of School Psychologists). Becoming a school psychologist later in life and continuing for 25 years was a wonderful experience!
After 19 years in Ohio, I now am in my seventh year as Professor of School Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychological & Social Foundations at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Through my years of membership and involvement with OSPA, I am fortunate to have gained many lifelong friends and colleagues. I am sure that in the years ahead OSPA will continue its long history of being an advocate and strong voice for children and families, not only in Ohio, but across the country.
Cathy Telzrow served as Professor and Coordinator of the School Psychology Program at Kent State University. This position gave her an appreciation for the essential collaboration between university personnel and field-based partners in preparing school psychologists of the future. She recalls that the "hot topic" during her presidency was OSPA's advocacy on behalf of licensed school psychologists seeking parity with third party payers….now it seems that everyone is in the same leaky boat, and many in independent practice are seeking the security of school-based settings!
Frank C. Bock Ed.D. of Maumee, Ohio passed away peacefully on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 in his home. Frank was born in Weston, West Virginia on December 1, 1926 to the late George and Marie (Doud) Bock. Dr. Bock attended Weston High School and when he was 17, he enlisted in the US Navy during WWII. He was proud of his service and education he received on the LST that carried troops and supplies around the world. In 2010, he was a passenger on the Honor Flight to Washington D.C. which was an unforgettable experience to him and he wrote a paper on his experience.
The Maumee psychologist was a graduate of Glenville State College in Glenville, WV and received a certificate of Social Work from West Virginia University. He received his Master's in Science and Social Work from the University of Tennessee; and his Master of Education and Doctorate in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Toledo.
In 1952, he accepted a casework position with the Children's Service Board under the leadership of Ms. Jane Cartwright. He worked at the Miami Children's Center as a caseworker, supervisor, house parent and for a brief period, served as acting superintendant. He retired from Maumee Schools in 1982. Dr. Bock then went into private practice for about 8 years at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo working with patients of eating disorders.
Dr. Bock then worked as a psychologist for the Lucas County Educational Service under Superintendant Thomas B. Baker. After retiring, he again returned to Maumee Schools working with Elloise Slotterbeck. As president of the Maumee Educational Association (MEA), he attended the Olympia Conference in Oconomowoc, WI on the future of school psychology sponsored by the National Association of School Psychology. Another conference was held in Hawaii.
In 1965 when Dr. Bock came to the Maumee school system, he was the only school psychologist. Later, in the 1960s, four psychologists provided service to 3,400 children and 2 people rendered half time service to St. Joseph School, Maumee and Heatherdowns School in Toledo. During the mid 1960s, an effort was expanded on service to serve children in residence at the Maumee Children's Center who attended Riverside School on Campus. Dr. Bock participated in the planning and implementation at Riverside School for emotional handicapped children. The first high school experimental unit was developed at Maumee High School in 1967. During this period, a two year student peer counseling project was undertaken under Dr. Bock's supervision.
Dr. Bock was active in Maumee's community and school affairs. He served as president of Maumee Little League, commissioner of Maumee Little League, president of Kiwanis Club and the Gateway Middle School Parent Teacher Association. Dr. Bock has been the recipient of the Clyde V. Bartlett distinguished service award from the Ohio School Psychologists Association.
Dr. Bock married Dora L. Whitesel on August 21, 1948 who survives. Also surviving are his children, Charles A. Bock, Michael (Ronda) Bock, Melinda (David) Smith; daughter-in-law, Mary Lou Bock; grandchildren, Elizabeth, Bridget, Megan, Casey, Gaven, Ashley and Michelle; great-grandchildren, Kylee, Brady, Addie, Tanner, Trey, Caroline and Griffin, Liam, Abram, Mason, Asher, Alina and Stella; sister-in-law, Betty Jean Cross and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his son, George W. Bock and 2 brothers.
Alex Thomas was a school psychologist in Port Clinton from 1972 through 1990 and has been on the school psychology faculty at Miami University since 1990. He is currently Chair of the Educational Psychology Department at Miami. Alex has been President of NASP in 1986/1987 and 1998/1999.
OSPA would like to note the passing of Pauline Alexander. Please click here for a link to information regarding her achievements.
OSPA would like to note the passing of Sam Bonham Jr, past president of OSPA. Please click here for link to information regarding his achievements.
Ferguson, Donald Glenn, DOB, 9/24/1925, Died September 24, 2009. BSEd (1949) and MA (1950) at Kent State U., then PhD (1956) from Western Reserve U. Teacher in Canton (OH, 1949-1951) schools, school psychologist in Lorain (OH, 1951-1954), instructor at Western Reserve U, then joined the faculty as the first school psychology program trainer at Kent State U, in the Department of Special Education. Served in that department as coordinator of pupil personnel services until leaving late in the 1960s to become director of the Interprofessional Research Commission of Pupil Personnel Services. Later served on the faculty of the University of South Florida until his retirement. Served as president of the Ohio School Psychologists Assn 1955-1956.