Mission Statement:
To facilitate student and staff psychological well being, in order to enable schools to resume normal activities after a crisis, which would maximize educational performance.
The OSPA Crisis Committee would like to assist school psychologists in their response to students and families in crisis situations by:
- Gathering information about crisis prevention, intervention, and postvention and making this information available to OSPA members.
- Providing a supportive network of professionals to increase knowledge and skills in crisis situations.
- Increasing collaborative involvement in regional / state teams in preparation for possible response to a region / state crisis..
Training Presentations and Resources:
The following are presentations that can be used for trainings within individual departments, buildings, or districts. The OSPA Crisis Committee has made these materials available free of charge to the public in order to promote the ability of children and youth to cope with traumatic or unsetting events. Materials may be reproduced or adapted without specific permission from the OSPA Crisis Committee. However, the integrity of the content must be maintained and the OSPA Crisis Committee must be given proper credit.
Contacts | ||
NASP Crisis Direct Support | eney@naspweb.org | NASP Director of Professional Development |
NASP Crisis Direct Support | kminke@naspweb.org | NASP Executive Director |
Resources | ||
School Violence Safety and Crisis | Talking to Children About Violence | |
Talking to Children About Violence Companion Information | ||
Gun Violence Research Summary | Gun Violence Research Summary | |
School Violence Prevention Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams | Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams | |
Translated Safety and Crisis Resources | Translated Safety and Crisis Resources | |
Addressing Grief in Children: Tips for Caregivers and Educators | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share this resource with caregivers and educators to help them understand how children grief and learn strategies to support children who are grieving. |
Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share this resource to help caregivers and educators understand cyberbullying, its risks, and how to prevent it. |
Helping Children After a Natural Disaster: Tips for Parents and Educators | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share these tips to help families and educators promote resiliency and recovery for youth following a natural disaster. |
Helping Children Cope with Tragedy | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share this resource with adults to guide them on how to help children reestablish a sense of safety and security following a tragedy. |
Preventing Teen Suicide: Tips for Peers | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Provide these tips to for teens to recognize when a friend might need help and help them get it. |
Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Caregivers and Educators | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share this resource with caregivers and educators to help them recognize risk factors and warning signs for suicide and how to prevent it. |
Responding to Social Media Trends: Guidance for Caregivers | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share this guidance with caregivers to help them discuss the dangers and appropriate usage of the internet and social media with children. |
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Families and Educators | Arabic Chinese English Spanish Vietnamese | Share these tips to help families and educators reestablish a sense of normalcy and security for children after an act of violence occurs. |
Supporting Youth Affected by the Violence in Israel and Gaza |
Supporting Youth Affected by the Violence in Israel and Gaza |
Mitigating Psychological Effects of Lockdowns | Mitigating Psychological Effects of Lockdowns | |
Threat Assessment Guidance | Threat Assessment Guidance | |
Best Practice Threat Assessment | Best Practice Considerations for Threat Assessments | |
Protecting Students' Rights in Threat Assessments | Protecting Students' Rights in Threat Assessments | |
NOVA Resources | ||
Preparing for National Disasters | www.ready.gov | |
The Center for Loss and Life Transition | www.centerforloss.com | |
The Dougy Center of Portland, Oregon | http://www.dougy.org/ | |
National Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster (NVOAD) | http://www.nvoad.org/ | |
National Information and Referral | http://www.airs.org/ | |
Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives | http://www.dana.org/ | |
David Baldwin’s Trauma Information | http://www.trauma-pages.com/ | |
National Mental Health | http://www.mentalhealth.org/ | |
Disaster Help– National | http://www.disasterhelp.gov/ | |
Disaster News Network | http://www.disasternews.net/ | |
A Chaplain’s Companion | http://www.jcjoseph.com/ | |
Dr. Lee V. Clarke, disaster sociologist | http://www.leeclarke.com/ | |
Gift From Within | www.giftfromwithin.org | |
National Air Disaster Alliance Foundation | http://www.planesafe.org/ | |
Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma | http://www.dartcenter.org/ | |
Center for Disease Control Division of Adolescent Health | http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/Crisis/ | |
Department of Education | http://www.huricanehelpforschools.gov/index.html | |
Department of Education | http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/crisisplanning.html | |
Department of Health and Human Services | http://www.hhs.gov/ | |
ERIC Clearing House | http://www.eric.ed.gov/ | |
Federal Emergency Management Agency | http://www.fema.gov/ | |
National Institute of Mental Health | http://www.nimh.nih.gov/ | |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Mental Health Information Center | http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/ | |
Office of the Surgeon General and the Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness | https://volunteer.ccrf.hhs.gov/ | |
Office of the Surgeon General and the Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness | https://volunteer.ccrf.hhs.gov/ | |
Hospice Organizations | http://www.americanhospice.org/ | |
Hospice Organizations | www.hospicefoundation.org | |
Hospice Organizations | http://www.hospiceslo.org | |
American Red Cross | http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster | |
Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA | http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/ | |
MADD | http://www.madd.org/victim-services/finding-support/victimresources/other-resources.html | |
National Center for Crisis Management | http://www.schoolcrisisresponse.com/ | |
National Suicide Prevention Organizations | www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org | |
National Child Traumatic Stress Network | http://www.nctsnet.org/ | |
Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance Center | http://www.rems.ed.gov/ | |
Salvation Army National Headquarters | www.salvationarmyusa.org | |
American Psychiatric Association | http://www.psych.org/ | |
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | http://www.aacap.org/ | |
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress | http://www.schoolcrisisresponse.com/ | |
American School Counselor Association | http://www.schoolcounselor.org/ | |
Catholic Youth Ministry | http://catholicyouthministry.com/ | |
Grief Connect | http://griefconnect.com/ | |
Grief Speaks | http://www.griefspeaks.com/ | |
Kids Health Organization | http://www.kidshealth.org/ | |
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) | http://edla.aum.edu/serrc/parthurricane.html | |
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children | http://www.missingkids.com/ | |
National Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress | www.usuhs.mil/centerforthestudyoftraumaticstress | |
Portland State University Research Training Center | http://www.rtc.pdx.edu/ | |
Ryan’s Heart, A Non-Profit Organization for Grieving Families | http://www.ryansheartnpo.org/ | |
Special Needs Project | http://www.specialneedsproject.com/ | |
Scholastic | http://teacher.scholastic.com/ | |
The Healing Place, a Center for Loss and Change | http://www.thehealingplaceinfo.org/ | |
Volunteer Power | http://www.volunteerpower.com/ | |
Trauma Intervention Program NW | https://www.tipnw.org/ | |
Mass Violence Advisory Initiative | https://www.theiacp.org/projects/mass-violence-advisoryinitiative | |
International Association of Fire Fighters Peer Support Program | http://www.iaff.org/peer-support/ | |
BasicPH | https://brightontherapypartnership.org.uk/resilience-traumabasic-ph/ | |
The Arithmetic of Compassion | https://www.arithmeticofcompassion.org/ | |
Center for Victim Research | https://victimresearch.org/ | |
The Clergy Center - Campus Safety | https://www.clerycenter.org/ | |
Green Cross Academy of Traumatology | https://greencross.org/ | |
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. | https://icisf.org/ | |
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network | http://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/trauma-types | |
Center for Health and Wellness | http://www.healthehealersnow.org/ | |
National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center | http://www.nmvvrc.org/ | |
Key Points About Understanding Poverty & Social Class | https://www.d.umn.edu/~hrallis/courses/1100sp04/readings/ poverty_notes.html | |
Understanding the Dynamics of the Aging Process | https://www.nia.nih.gov/about/aging-strategic-directionsresearch/understanding-dynamics-aging | |
Resources for more understanding of the LGBTQ+ | https://ok2bme.ca/resources/kids-teens/what-does-lgbtq-mean/ | |
For further information or resources, please contact the Committee Co-Chairs:
OSPA Crisis Committee Co-Chair – Connie Nichols & Debbie Reichard-Smith
OSPA State Resources
To view community agencies that might be useful for referrals, please click on the map below for specific OSPA regions.
Community resources listed on this website are for reference purposes only. Listing on this site does not imply endorsement of agencies by the Ohio School Psychologists Association or the Ohio School Psychologists Association Crisis Committee. Please contact agencies directly for further information, referrals, etc. Views expressed by listed agencies do not necessarily reflect the views of OSPA or the OSPA Crisis Committee.