The purpose of the Planning and Fiscal Advisory Committee is to identify and investigate issues related to the Association’s effectiveness and efficiency in fulfilling its stated purpose and the needs of its members. The
committee shall recommend to the Executive Board appropriate actions concerning such issues.
1. To advise the Executive Board of trends and issues in school psychology, and, accordingly, to develop and maintain the long-range plan based on projections of the future of school psychology and the implications for Ohio’s school psychologists. The plan shall be updated at least every five years. In years where the plan is updated, revisions will be submitted tothe Executive Board no later than the Spring Executive Board meeting;
2. To develop and recommend to the Executive Board annual goals which are in keeping with the long-range plan and which provide direction for planning in each organization unit and committee. Goals for the upcoming fiscal year will be presented to the Board no later than the Spring Executive Board meeting;
3. To carry out short term assignments of the Executive Board;
4. To review the Constitution, Operations Manual, Code of Ethics, Position Papers, and other documents of the Association periodically, as
required by Article X of the Constitution;
5. To recommend changes to these aforementioned Association documents to the Executive Board in a timely manner so that adequate notice may be given to the membership for voting purposes; and
6. By majority of the voting members, to ratify decisions of the Executive Director as they relate to executing the day-to-day operations of the Association and responding to the directives of the Executive Board.
The committee shall consist of the following voting members: President (Chair), President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and two ex-officio members from the Executive Board. Ex-officio members of the committee shall be appointed annually by the President.
The committee shall consist of the following non-voting members: Executive Director, Business Manager, and (when applicable) Treasurer-Elect. The committee shall make standing invitations to the following (non-voting) parties to participate in committee work in a non-voting capacity: Chair of the Inter-University Council, Chair of the Ohio Supervisors of School Psychologists, and any Liaison(s) from the Ohio Department of Education.
Paul Soska
OSPA Planning and Development Committee Chair
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