Having the opportunity to serve the remarkable profession of Ohio school psychology as 2014-15 OSPA President remains, and likely will always be, a highlight of my career and a remarkable period of my own professional growth. I was humbled to be elected to serve the presidency by my peers and despite nearly 15 years of service on the OSPA Executive Board, came to appreciate the tremendous amount of time, effort, and commitment it takes to fulfill the role’s demands. Salient highlights from my term include development of OSPA personnel evaluation rubrics, overseeing the Association’s Operational Excellence efforts, reworking the Association’s Operations Manual and committee expectations, replacing over half of the Executive Board membership due to retirements, and furthering the return to a period financial stability. We also had the milestone retirement of our beloved Association Business Manager, Mrs. Cheryl VanDenBerge, which required an extensive talent search process to find her successor, Mrs. Rachel Chilton. From my experience, I would whole heartedly encourage any Ohio school psychologist to consider statewide leadership in OSPA!