Roland Good, Ph.D.
Using the Outcomes-Driven Model and DIBELS for Response to Intervention
Handout (PDF)
Susan Gfroerer, Ed.D. and Sara Timms, Ed.S
Improving Services for Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries
Slides (PDF)
Handout (PDF)
Survey (PDF) (Word)
Brochure (PDF)
Case Study (PDF)
What is TBI? (PDF)
Similarities and Differences (PDF)
Compensatory Strategies (PDF)
Elizabeth P. Sparrow, PhD
Conners 3 & Conners CBRS: Identification and Intervention
Handout (PDF)*
Elizabeth P. Sparrow, PhD
Key DSM-IV Diagnoses for School-Aged Youth
Handout (PDF)*
*Please note, per presenter request, access to Dr. Sparrow's handouts is limited to school psychology practitioners