Thursday, May 8th
Implementation of School- Wide PBIS
Dr. Robert H. Horner
(Slides) (Handouts-3 slides/page) (Handouts-6 slides/page)
PBIS Inventory (PDF)
Team Initiated Problem Solving
Dr. Robert H. Horner
(Slides) (Handouts-3 slides/page) (Handouts-6 slides/page)
Worksheet (MS Word) (PDF)
Thursday, May 8th - Evening
Ethics Workshop
Kathy McNamara
(Slides) (Handouts-3slides/page)
Friday, May 9th
Panel on Current Issues for School Psychologists
Bobbe Miller, Educational Consultant for Squires, Sanders, and Dempsey, and an attorney from Squires, Sanders, and Dempsey, PLUS
Representatives from Ohio Department of Education
A.M. handouts (slides)
P.M. handouts (slides)